3D Scanning for Manufacturing

Facilities 3D Scan to CAD

Functional 3D is a 3D Scanning Service Provider for manufacturers across a wide range of applications. LiDAR Scanning for Manufacturing makes facilities layout, as well as the design to manufacturing process quicker, more efficient, and cost-effective. Functional 3D uses LiDAR and Structured Light scanning to provide high-quality data for a number of applications in manufacturing, including quality control, metrology, facilities layout planning, maintenance and repairs, and remote inspection.

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Applications of 3D Scanning in Manufacturing

  1. 3D Scanning for Reverse Engineering

  2. 3D Scanning for Quality Control and Metrology

  3. 3D Scanning for Facility Layout and Planning

  4. 3D Scanning Existing Parts to Create Replacement Parts

  5. 3D Scanning to Detect Wear and Damage

Functional 3D Laser Scanning Services can be used in a range of applications in the manufacturing industry.

3D Scanning for Reverse Engineering allows designers to capture accurate measurements of existing products. Scanned mesh data then can be used with reverse engineering CAD software to create a highly accurate surface model for manufacturing.

Functional 3D's 3D Scan to CAD Service can also aid in the creation of precise prototypes and molds, allowing designers to bring complex curvatures from the real-world into their design software, as well as create castable molds from existing forms.

3D Scanning For Moldmaking

3D Scanned Mold for Manufacturing

Additionally, 3D Scanning for Quality Control and inspection purposes allows manufacturers to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their products.

Finally, 3d Scanning for Facilities Layout Planning and facility management provides administrators with the ability to take measurements, plan equipment layout and view building mechanicals remotely.

Using 3D Scanning for Reverse Engineering

3D Scanning for Reverse Engineering allows manufacturers to create digital models from an existing physical product. By capturing the physical dimensions and features of an object, scanning technology allows manufacturers to create digital CAD models with precision and accuracy. This process not only saves time and effort when measuring complex curvatures, but also enables manufacturers to analyze and improve upon existing designs.

Deviation Map Comparing Scan Data to CAD Models

Deviation Map Comparing Scan Data to CAD Models


Using 3D Scanning for Facility Layout and Planning

Functional 3D’s highly accurate Faro Focus LiDAR Scanners allow us to quickly obtain accurate measurements of existing facilities. 3D Scanning for Facilities provides a detailed Point Cloud of the facility's layout, which can be viewed on any device, allowing facilities managers virtual access to the site for equipment placement, clash detection and remote collaboration. Furthermore, laser scan data can be integrated into industry standard software (such as Revit, AutoCAD, and SolidWorks) enabling teams to visualize building mechanicals in their platform of choice.

Reverse Engineering Scan to CAD

Reverse Engineering Scan to CAD


Using 3D Scanning for
Quality Control and Metrology

3D Scanning for Quality Control and Metrology provides QC managers precise measurements and can be used to generate 3D deviation maps, allowing for easy part inspection and pass/fail analysis. Scanned parts can be compared to CAD designs to check for defects and to confirm adherence to manufacturing tolerances, specifications and standards.

Facilities Model Combining Scan Point Cloud and CAD Data

Case Study: Facilities Scan


Functional 3D, a leading provider of Laser Scanning Services, recently completed a Facilities Scan for a client in the manufacturing industry. We were tasked with capturing the layout, equipment, and infrastructure of a manufacturing facility using our Faro Focus laser scanners. In just 8 hours, F3D’s technician was able to capture over 50,000 sq ft of facilities space with +/- 1 millimeter accuracy.

Facilties Scan With Annotations

The scanned data was utilized to measure and identify critical building mechanicals, such as power lines and HVAC systems, as well as structural measurements such as load bearing support beams, floor and ceiling locations. This detailed information was crucial for installing a new line of equipment, saving time and improving accuracy compared to manual measurements. Functional 3D's scanning services proved to be a valuable tool in streamlining facility upgrades.

Facilities: Maintenance and Repairs

Functional 3D's scanning services prove to be a powerful tool in the realm of facilities maintenance and repairs. Existing parts can be scanned to obtain accurate measurements, allowing for the Fabrication of Replacement Parts with utmost precision and drastically reduced lead times. This not only minimizes downtime but also improves the overall efficiency of the maintenance process. Moreover, the scanned data can be utilized for documentation and historical record-keeping purposes, aiding in the identification of maintenance needs and planning for future repairs. With Functiona l3D's scanning services, facilities can ensure optimized maintenance processes and enhance their overall operational efficiency

using SmartTech3D Structured Light Scanner for reverse engineering

SmartTech3D Structured Light Scanner

SmartTech3D Structured Light Scanner

Deviation Map Comparing Scan Data to CAD Models

Creating Replacement Parts from Existing Parts

By 3D Scanning Commonly Replaced Parts, lead times for repairs can be significantly reduced. Instead of relying on manual measurements, scanning existing parts eliminates human error and the need for time-consuming measurement and design processes. The scanned data can then be used to create accurate replacement parts swiftly, minimizing production disruptions and improving overall efficiency. Site managers can use scan data to create and maintain a Digital Library of Commonly Replaced Parts.

Detect Wear and Damage

Scanning Parts Before Use can aid facilities managers in identifying and detecting wear or damage in their machinery. By comparing before and after scans, manufacturers can easily detect any changes or signs of wear, allowing them to address potential issues early on and prevent costly downtime.

Functional 3D provides 3D Scanning Services for any industry and can help whether you’re looking for Rhode Island Laser Scanning, 3D Scanning Services Boston, 3D Scan to CAD Service, 3D MEP, 3D Scanner Reverse Engineering or 3D Laser Scanning Services Near Me. Our team of experts has years of experience in the 3D Scanning business capturing and working with highly accurate scan data. We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor our deliverables to meet the needs of our clients in any use case.

Contact us today to schedule a call